The Video Options inspector lets you change settings of selected video layers. You can make changes to multiple layers at once by selecting several layers in the Storyboard/Timeline before adjusting settings in the Video Options inspector.

The Video Options inspector opens automatically when you double-click a video layer in the Storyboard/Timeline.
When a single video layer is selected, the filename of the video file will be displayed here.
- Click on the disclosure triangle next to the filename to reveal the video thumbnail.
- Select Get Info from the action popup menu to show info about the video file.
- Select Reveal in Finder from the action popup menu to reveal the video file in a Finder window.
- Select Replace Media File… from the action popup menu to replace the video, while keeping all other parameters of the layer intact.
When you replace the file of a video layer, you may have to adjust the position and zoom if the video has a different size.
Controls how loud the video is playing. Drag the volume slider or enter a numerical value in the text field next to the slider.
When Ducking is enabled, then the volume of other audio tracks is lowered by the specified percentage while the video is playing.
This is useful to lower the volume of a song in the music track, so that live sound of the video can be heard more clearly.
Specifying a ducking factor of 100% means that other audio tracks are completely muted while the movie is playing.
In & Out Points
Set in and out points to restrict the portion of the video to be played. This is done by dragging the circles inward or by entering timecode in the text fields. The video file itself will not be modified, so all changes can be undone at any time. The layers in the Stage adjust automatically as you make changes, displaying the in point on the left side and the out point on the right side.
Use the jog-wheels to fine-tune the in or out point with more precision.
Click on the disclosure triangle to reveal the opacity curve. Adjust the opacity curve if you don’t want a layer to be visible during the whole duration of a slide.

The yellow sections of the bar represent the transition intervals. Add curve points and move them as appropriate to create the desired opacity curve.
- Hold the ⌘ key and click on the curve to add a new point
- Hold the ⌘ key and click on an existing point to delete it
- Click and drag an existing point to move it
The action popup contains several preset for commonly needed opacity curves:
- Constant
- Fade in
- Fade out
- Fade in/out
Animation Speed
Click on the disclosure triangle to reveal the animation speed curve. When animation is enabled in the Slide Options, you can use the animation speed curve to fine tune animation timing.

The bar represents the total time a layer is visible. The yellow sections of the bar represent the transition intervals. Add curve points and move them as appropriate to create the desired animation speed curve.
- Hold the ⌘ key and click on the curve to add a new point
- Hold the ⌘ key and click on an existing point to delete it
- Click and drag an existing point to move it
The following curve uses constant 100% speed throughout the layer’s lifetime:

If you want to wait for while before starting the animation and then slowly ease-in before reaching full animation speed, use a curve like this:

If you want to animate at full speed, then slow down and show the final position for a while before transitioning to the next slide, use a curve like this:

You can also do more complex animations like a pause in the middle by creating the following speed curve:

Grab the blue playhead triangle in the Storyboard/Timeline and drag it horizontally to scrub through the slideshow. That way you can evaluate the animation with high precision.
You can apply on or more effects to a video layer.
- Click on the disclosure triangle to expand the effects list.
- Click the checkbox next to an effect name to enable that effect for the selected layers.
- Click on the disclosure triangle next to particular effect name to reveal its parameters. Here you can customise the effect.
Find out more about available effects in Using Effects and Effects