FotoMagico Settings

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In the Preferences you find settings that affect the application’s behavior globally. To open the Preferences window, select Preferences… from the FotoMagico menu. Preferences are grouped into different categories:


User Interface Theme
Switches between the dark and light user interface.

Number of Undo Steps
Determines how many changes can be undone while editing your slideshow. A higher number requires a bit more memory.

Auto Saving
If enabled, changes to slideshow documents are saved automatically at regular intervals. If disabled you have to remember to save manually from time to time.

Crashes & Diagnostics
When checked you allow FotoMagico to send crashlogs and anonymous diagnostic data to Boinx Software, so that the quality of the software can be improved.


Select various grid options like whether to always show the grid, or just while dragging layers. You can also enter the grid spacing and whether layers should snap to the grid.

Show Pan & Zoom Fix Point
When enabled a small white circle is displayed on top of the currently selected layer – if that layer uses a zoom animation. This circle indicates the fix point of the animation, which tends to be the focus of attention.

When Adding Audio
This settings determines whether newly added audio tracks should be linked to their slides or not. Linked audio tracks automatically adjust their position when slides are inserted or deleted, so that they always stay below their slides.

Enable these checkboxes to ignore various authoring alerts in the Storyboard that are of minor importance and can thus be safely hidden from view.


Space Key
This setting determines the behaviour of the space key during preview playback. You can switch between:

  • Space key start/stops preview playback
  • Space key starts/pauses/resumes preview playback

Software Update

Check for Updates
Controls the interval how often FotoMagico check if there is a newer version of the application available for download.

When “Include Beta Versions” is checked, then experimental beta versions of FotoMagico are also considered when looking for new versions.

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