FotoMagico Glossary

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A slideshow is composed of the following components: Slides, Layers, Transitions, and Audio Tracks.


A slideshow is basically a sequence of slides that tells your story. Each slide is one “screenful” of visual content. A slide may contain multiple layers, but in most cases it just contains a single image layer. The sequence of slides in arranged in the storyboard.
Link to Storyboard


A visual layer can contain one of various media types: images, videos, maps, or text. Layers can be freely positioned, zoomed, and rotated. Layers can be positioned next to each other, or on top of each other. A layer can also be animated over the duration of a slide’s lifetime. This animation can be used to achieve special effects or direct the attention of the audience to specific parts of an image. Layers are positioned on the stage.
Link to Stage


Applying one or more effects to a layer to modifies its appearance. Effects range from often needed things like color correction and borders to less often used special effects like film grain or comic book style. The list of available effects varies depending on layer type. Refer to Using Effects for more details.
Link to Using Effects


Transitions are the visual effects between two consecutive slides. FotoMagico provides a lot of different transition effects, but most of the time you will use the basic ones like Fade or Dissolve. Choosing an appropriate transition can be used to indicate change in place or passage of time.

Audio Tracks

Adding audio to your slideshow can set the mood for the slideshow. FotoMagico supports up to three audio tracks: Music, Effects (e.g. wind or rain), and Narration. Slide transitions can be synchronised to the beat of music with the help of Audio Markers.
Find out more in Using Audio.


To create professional slideshows more quickly, FotoMagico offers pre-built reusable building blocks called Snippets. Snippets can be as simple as a single layer, a few slides, or a whole story line. To use a snippet you simply drag it from the snippet browser into your slideshow, and then customise it with your own content if necessary.
See Using Snippets for more info.

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