Version 6.0b36 – August 2021
- Opening a slideshow and just changing the selection no longer requires you to save upon closing.
- Copy/pasting layers between documents is now more reliable. Copying layers, then closing the document, and finally pasting the layers into another document no longer causes missing media files.
- When deleting a selection that contains locked items, an alert will be displayed, asking you whether you want to delete all selected items, or just the unlocked items.
- Keyboard shortcuts (e.g. backspace to delete) now work correctly after dragging snippets or media files to the Storyboard.
- Entering Wipe transition softness values now works correctly.
- Fixed a couple of light/dark mode UI glitches.
- Scrolling the waveform in the “Audio Marker Assistant” now works again.
- Moving all audio markers in the “Audio Marker Assistant” with pressed option key now works again.
- Mask opacity values no longer get reset to 100% after dragging a mask in the Stage.
- The format selection UI when creating a new slideshow has been modified to be more extendable.