FotoMagico 6.0b19

What is new in this version?

Version 6.0b19 – April 2021

  • Added “Save Snippet” to File menu.
  • Text background colors can now be transparent (using the new opacity slider in the color picker).
  • When holding the option key while increasing the slide duration in the Timeline, the duration of the following slide is decreased by the same amount. This ensure that everything that follows stays in-place.
  • When creating a new slideshow document, the Storyboard/Timeline scale is now initialized to the last used value.
  • Dragging an image into the Stage is now possible for empty slideshows.
  • Dragging images to snippet placeholder layers now works as expected.
  • Placeholder layers now display the dashed drop zone indicators again.
  • Use count badges in the media browser are now more reliable when dragging files to snippet placeholder layers.
  • Changing layer zoom with the jogwheel or a mouse gesture is now more reliable and no longer moves the layer around as it is snapped to guideslines.
  • Dragging layer corner points is now more reliable when snap to grid is enabled. The opposite fixed corner point no longer jumps around when the layer snaps to the grid.
  • Switching between layer and mask editing modes in the Stage is now more reliable.
System Requirements
FotoMagico requires a Apple Silicon or 64bit Intel Macintosh that runs on OS X Catalina (10.15.2) or newer. Performance in FotoMagico will be best, if you have 8GB of RAM (or more), a graphics card with 512MB of video memory (or more) and an SSD instead of a spinning hard disk.

By downloading the software you agree to the EULA of Boinx Software International GmbH.

About FotoMagico

FotoMagico is a slideshow editor for Apple Macintosh and Apple iPad, developed by Boinx Software International GmbH. The software has been rewarded with several Apple Design Awards. Boinx Software has released FotoMagico 6, the latest version of their top-drawer slideshow authoring software.
The bundle includes applications for both the Mac and the iPad, plus tons of extras including templates and royalty-free music tracks.

Latest Version

FotoMagico 6.7.6

Version 6.7.6 – February 2025 Pressing the Shift key while moving a layer or mask in the Stage restricts movement to the horizontal or vertical

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